Climate Change

CAG's New Climate Change Committee

The Canadian Association of Gastroenterology (CAG) recognizes the impact of climate change on public and digestive health with the formation of the Climate Change Committee.

By raising awareness and advocating for policies to mitigate climate change's impact, the committee addresses the intersection of environmental shifts and digestive health. With growing evidence linking pollution and climate change to digestive diseases, the committee underscores the urgent need for action to protect public health and our planet.

Learn more about the Climate Change Committee

Read our Climate Sustainability Plan

Choosing Wisely Recommendations: Gastroenterology

Rapid environmental changes driven by climate change, pollution, and biodiversity loss are impacting digestive health

  • Heat extremes can cause intestinal and hepatic dysfunction.
  • Extreme weather is associated with flooding and enteric infections; and affects the delivery of care through infrastructure loss.
  • Air, water, and soil pollution from chemicals and plastics increases the risk of intestinal diseases such as eosinophilic esophagitis, MAFLD, digestive tract cancers, inflammatory bowel disease, and functional bowel disease.
  • Access to adequate amounts of food of high nutritional content, and to clean water is under threat.
  • Urban migration and migration between countries poses challenges for digestive care.

Environmental Change

Environmental Change graphic courtesy of D. Leddin, Co-Chair, Climate Change Committee

Learn more about digestive health and climate change:

Did you know


  1. Association of Virtual Care Expansion With Environmental Sustainability and Reduced Patient Costs During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Ontario, Canada
  2. The Carbon Cost of Travel to a Medical Conference: Modelling the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association of Gastroenterology

CMA Statement on the Climate Crisis


The Canadian Medical Association (CMA) released a statement regarding the ongoing climate crisis.

Dr. Kathleen Ross, President of the CMA, states "In the past few months, we have seen the serious health effects of wildfires and severe flooding across Canada. At the Canadian Medical Association, we know that communicating the health impacts of the climate crisis is key to driving change. Slow action is akin to no action."

In partnership with the CMA, the Lancet produced a report with targeted recommendations for Canada including divesting from and phasing out fossil fuels, increasing cross-jurisdictional coordination of extreme weather event emergency management and supporting healthy, sustainable food systems.

The CMA’s ongoing advocacy to address the health impacts of climate change involves creating a net-zero emissions health system by 2050.

SEE full CMA Statement

WGO Climate Course for Global Gastroenterology


Climate change is a rapidly developing public health crisis with significant digestive health and disease implications. Physicians, nurses, and all health care providers involved in digestive care must understand the challenges we face.

To increase awareness and educate health providers, the World Gastroenterology Organization (WGO) has broadcasted nine interactive webinars that are now on demand.

Join the WGO with experts from around the world who are authorities on the subjects that will be presented, in hopes of being helpful to your practice and to your understanding of the issues. Each session will provide opportunities to engage and discuss with the experts. Attendees will leave these webinars with a clear understanding of the issues and be prepared to take positive actions to help adapt to and mitigate climate change.

Access WGO Webinars