Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

Led by the CAG Education Affairs Committee, our CPD offerings are dedicated to fostering the ongoing professional growth of our members. We offer diverse Royal College MOC-accredited learning opportunities and programs that enhance clinical, scientific, and procedural skills while supporting self-directed assessment and learning to ultimately improve patient care.

Where can CAG members earn credits?

CAG InitiativeSection One:
Group Learning
Section Two:
Section Three:
CDDW™ Rapid Fire Journal Review Session
SEE™ Program
CAG Podcast Program - -
CAG Webinar Program - -
CAG Self-Assessment Program - -
CAG Individual Learning Program - -

View Royal College Framework of CPD Activities

CAG CPD Aims and Goals

  1. Develop, deliver and accredit multi-modal, evidence-informed high-quality CPD programs encompassing all CanMEDS roles aimed at meeting the identified needs of gastroenterologists.
  2. Systematic approach to evaluating CPD sessions and programs for satisfaction, effectiveness in meeting educational needs, and impact on knowledge, skill improvement, and practice of change.
  3. Provide opportunities for self-learning, reflection and self-assessment to enhance the learners’ ability to identify areas for enhancement and/or improvement in knowledge, skills and performance.
  4. Identify strategies to assess the effectiveness of CPD programs in influencing health outcomes.

Accreditation and Co-Development of Continuing Medical Education Programs

Since 2002, the CAG has been the Royal College-accredited CPD provider for gastrointestinal education. The CAG has been awarded three Royal College Accredited CPD Provider Innovation Awards!

The CAG accepts applications from physician organizations for both Section One (Group Learning) and Section Three (Self-Assessment) accreditation. Applicants are asked to submit their applications as early as possible to ensure there is sufficient time for both the accreditation review and event promotion.

The CAG is also available to develop education programs under a co-development process with industry partners or non-physician organizations. For more information on co-developing a project with the CAG please our Education Affairs Project Manager: .

All programs must comply with the CMA Policy Guidelines for Physicians in Interactions with Industry and the 2018 Royal College National Standard for Support of Accredited CPD Activities Royal College National Standard.

All Section One programs accredited by the CAG are eligible for AMA PRA Category One credits.

Useful Tips for Presenters

Need help with how to word your learning objectives? Review this two-page tool for creating learning objectives.

To keep your learners engaged, review these tips for developing an effective presentation.

Please Note: The final program content is the intellectual property of the Canadian Association of Gastroenterology (CAG) and therefore dissemination of this program, or components thereof, after CAG accreditation/re-accreditation has expired, is not supported. The CAG must be contacted, and will assess utilization, in any instance where utilization of this program, or components thereof, is being considered after the expiration of CAG accreditation.