CPG Topic Proposal
We invite CAG members to submit proposals for new Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPG) topics. Your proposal could play a key role in shaping the future of gastroenterology practice in Canada. Submissions are welcomed at any time and will be evaluated by the Clinical Affairs Committee.
To propose a new CPG topic, please use the Topic Proposal Form. The Clinical Affairs Committee will review all submissions, prioritizing topics based on the following:
- Is the guideline topic important for gastroenterologists (e.g., because of disease prevalence, impact of the disease on patients, high resource use or other factors)?
- Would guidelines address uncertainty regarding optimal practice or unexplained variation in clinical practice?
- Would guidelines address an underserved population or under-recognized health problem (i.e., potentially change clinical practice in ways that would improve health equity)?
- Is there published evidence to inform the proposed guideline (not necessarily randomized controlled trials)?
- Is the topic adequately addressed by existing guidelines, and/or has the evidence base evolved since the publication of prior guidelines?
- Does the topic have strategic importance for the CAG’s mission?
- Would guidelines present the opportunity to synergize with other strategic initiatives within CAG?
CPG Topic Proposal Form
This form captures basic information needed by the committee to evaluate the suitability of the topic for CAG guidelines. If reviewed and approved by the CAG Clinical Affairs Committee, CAG leadership must approve all individuals to serve on the guideline panel. All panel members must abide by CAG policies including with respect to conflict of interest, confidentiality, and publication.
The timeline for guideline development will depend on many factors including scope, availability of CAG resources to support the project, availability and enthusiasm of volunteer experts, and availability of methodologists to conduct the systematic evidence review. Typically, CAG guidelines are planned to be completed within 18 months to two years. Non-CAG members who wish to propose a topic must team with a current CAG member.