Journal of the Canadian Association of Gastroenterology


The Journal of the Canadian Association of Gastroenterology (JCAG) is the association's official peer-reviewed, fully open-access journal to promote research conducted in the industry. JCAG publishes original clinical and translational research papers, systematic reviews and meta-analyses, state-of-the-art review articles from international experts, clinical guidelines, images and editorials focusing on the etiology, diagnosis, and treatment of gastrointestinal and liver disorders. JCAG is committed to improving the care of adults and children, in Canada and worldwide.

CAG members receive a discounted publication fee in the JCAG. The CAG also has a subsidy program in place, whereby CAG Trainee Members who have a successful publication in the JCAG will receive a 75% discount on the publication fee at the time of acceptance of the paper.

To apply for this Trainee Subsidy, the CAG Trainee member must:

  1. Be the first/primary author of the manuscript
  2. Be a current CAG Trainee member
  3. At the time of submission, select the manuscript type "Original Article – CAG Trainee"

Please note that case reports are NOT accepted.

For inquiries and more information, please email the .

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