CDDW™ Abstract Submission

Abstract submissions for GRIT, Research Topics, and CDDW™ 2025 are now closed.


  • We accept abstract submissions for CDDW™, Research Topics, and GRIT. Please select your abstract type carefully, once your abstract is submitted the submission type cannot be changed.
    • GRIT and RESEARCH TOPICS: Only one abstract per applicant is allowed for submission to the trainee programs. Your abstract will automatically be submitted to the core CDDW™ conference.
    • CDDW™: There is no limit to the number of abstracts you can submit to the core CDDW™ conference.
  • You may not submit an abstract that has been published/presented at another meeting and remains unchanged i.e. no new data/findings.


  • Limit of 3000 characters, which includes spaces, authors, institutions and content in tables.
  • Can include one table and one image (file name cannot contain spaces or special characters).
  • Must be in the following format: Title, Background, Aims, Methods, Results, Conclusions.


CAG Student Prizes provide recipients with the opportunity to present your abstract orally at CDDW™ in a special plenary session along with $750 and a complimentary gala ticket.

  • Who is eligible: Trainees pursuing a specialty degree, graduate students, and post-docs.
  • What is required to apply: The application is an abstract submitted to CDDW™ and a letter from your supervisor stating the program in which you are enrolled and confirming they have reviewed and approve of the abstract.
  • How to apply: During the abstract submission process ‘Oral or Poster’ for Presentation Type (Step 3), click on Apply, and upload your letter. It’s that easy!

Thank you for submitting your abstracts.
The submission portal is now closed.