Guideline Methodologist Training

The Canadian Association of Gastroenterology (CAG) actively recruits members to train as guideline methodologists for the development of CAG Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPG). This role is crucial in maintaining the high standards that have earned CAG guidelines international recognition due to the meticulous development process. These guidelines benefit not only the CAG and its members but also patients, healthcare providers, and policymakers.

As a guideline methodologist, you will gain authorship in key publications and valuable career development experience.

To be considered, you must be a CAG member in good standing for at least three years and actively practicing gastroenterologists. You should have a strong commitment to clinical research and an understanding of consensus methods like the modified Delphi. An epidemiological background, along with expertise in knowledge synthesis methodology, is also advantageous.

Job Description:

  • Work as a guideline methodologist for at least one CAG CPG per year on average.
  • Guide the CPG panel to develop statements/questions in PICO format.
  • Assess the certainty of evidence (as per GRADE) for each statement/question.
  • Attend the consensus meeting (present a short lecture on GRADE; briefly present the certainty of evidence for each statement/question; ensure that the GRADE process and the CAG CPG process are followed).
  • Following the face-to-face meeting, re-assess and revise the certainty of evidence assessments, based on feedback received during the meeting or due to re-worded statements.
  • Support the writing team in the preparation of the manuscript, prepare the evidence profile tables for the manuscript, and help respond to editorial and peer-review comments.
  • Review disclosure of conflicts of interests of proposed guideline panel members to ensure the guideline development process upholds the highest standards of ethics and transparency.


  • Attend International Guideline Training and Certification Program (INGUIDE) Level 1 (certified guideline group or panel member) and Level 2 (certified guideline methodologist). Funding to attend INGUIDE will be supported by CAG..
  • Guideline methodologists will be offered permanent membership on the Guideline Committee for the CAG, reflecting the significant investment made by CAG in their training, expertise, and experience.
  • Attend all Clinical Affairs meetings since guideline development is an important pillar of CAG Clinical Affairs
  • Deliver an intense amount of work over a short period of time.
  • Follow the mentoring process and attend additional training courses (eg. GRADE for diagnostic accuracy statements) where required.

Please contact  (CAG National Office) with any questions regarding this opportunity.