

Nutrition is a priority area with Gastroenterology and impacts patient outcomes. Many gastroenterologists continue to self-report low confidence in managing nutritional problems in GI. Among GI trainees, the majority of GI fellows wish to have greater nutrition exposures during their fellowship programs. To promote and advance nutrition within GI, we feel a SIG and supportive environment would allow for an opportunity to convene national nutrition experts to create a forum for objective setting, discussion of nutrition priorities, and create an implementation plan with broad stakeholder input.

Primary Aims:

1. Discusspriority areas with Gastroenterology for standardization of practice

  1. Describe existing models for nutrition-oriented care
  2. Discuss resources required to operationalize nutrition care

2. Create a platform for collaborative nutrition-focused research in Gastroenterology

  1. Discuss national nutrition research priorities related to GI
  2. Describe resources required to mobilize this objective

3. Discuss knowledge translation that would be required to implement nutrition guidelines in GI

  1. RD education
  2. NP oriented care
  3. GI fellowship education