Distinguished Service Award

2025 Award Recipients


Robert Enns

Wallace MacNaughton

  St. Paul's Hospital, UBC University of Calgary  


This award is to honour individuals who have provided distinguished service to the Canadian Association of Gastroenterology (CAG) either by:

  • their recognized excellence in research in the area of gastroenterology and related subjects, and thus have provided service, by achieving international recognition for the CAG in their field or
  • provided exemplary service to the CAG. The Distinguished Service Award should be granted, from time to time, to individuals who normally have been members of the Association for over 10 years. The Board of Directors will review and consider candidate(s) for this award on an annual basis.

If you think there is someone deserving, please send your recommendation in writing to .

  • Recommendations will be presented to the Board of Directors.
  • All recommendations must be submitted no later than October 1st.
  • Please note that any submissions received after the deadline will be considered for the following year.

Previous Distinguished Service Award Recipients

2024 Donald MacIntosh, Alaa Rostom, Kevin Waschke 
2023 Nicola Jones, Stephen Vanner, Johane Allard
2022 David Armstrong
2021 Decker Butzner
2020 Derek McKay
2020 Stephen Collins
2020 Ronald Bridges
2020 Alan Barkun
2019 David Mack
2018 Phil Sherman
2017 Jan Irvine (posthumously)
2016 Hugh Chaun
2015 Bill Paterson
2014 Connie Switzer
2012 Des Leddin
2012 Pierre Pare
2011 Lloyd Sutherland
2010 Grant Gall (posthumously)
2008 Mary Perdue
2007 J. Joseph Connon
2006 Aubrey Groll
2004 Nicholas Diamant
2004 Norman Marcon
2003 Elena Verdu
2002 Richard H. Hunt
2002 Eldon Shaffer
2000 Alan B.R. Thomson
2000 C. Noel Williams
1998 Edward Prokipchuk
1996 Claude C. Roy
1995 Richard R. Gillies
1995 Abraham Bogoch
1995 Florent Thibert
2002 J.A.L. Gilbert
1994 Louis J. Cole
1994 Jack Finlay
1994 Leslie Valberg
1994 Edwin E. Daniel
1993 Doug Kinnear
1993 Gordon Forstner
1993 Joseph J. Sidorov
1992 Carl A. Goresky
1992 James A. Barrowman (posthumously)
1992 Ivan T. Beck