Education Information
Accademic Award Details (If Applicable)
Proposed Training
Supervisor Information
Training Location
Research Experience Summary
Prepare a summary (maximum of one page) of your research or related experience, including a list of any research papers/articles you have authored/co-authored.
Research Proposal Document (to be prepared by Supervisor)
Prepare a research proposal (maximum two pages) of the current state of knowledge related to this project.
Identify the particular objectives of this proposal and briefly outline the experimental methods to be used.
Highlight the research activities to be undertaken by the applicant.
Indicate how this award will benefit (a) the applicant and (b) your research program.
Research Funding Activities of the Proposed Supervisor
Prepare a report of research funding which includes the following for each item:
- Title of the research project
- Funding amount
- Whether funding is "Applied for" or "Received"
- Start date and End date
If no funding is available, please upload a summary of your research activities as well as a list of the resources available to this student for the completion of his/her project.
Experience of the Proposed Supervisor
Prepare a list of trainees/students, including post-doctoral fellows, that you have supervised (and are currently supervising) within the last five years.
Provide the following information for each Trainee:
- Trainee's name
- Type of Trainee
- Period for which Trainee was supervised
- Trainee degree, year, institution
- Research project title
- Current position of the Trainee
Publications of the Proposed Supervisor
Prepare a report of the supervisor's publications within the last five years separated into the following categories:
- Referred papers, published or in press
- Book chapters, published or in press
- Abstracts and presentations, published or in press
Letter(s) of Support
Letters of support are optional. You may include up to three Letters of Support.
All letters must be compiled into one .PDF file. Every page must be must be initialed and dated by your supervisor.
Electronic Signature
By checking this box and typing my name, I certify that I am the person accessing this webpage, submitting this form and that all information on this form is true and correct.
I also agree that the checkbox and my name typed below are to be used as my electronic signature.
I certify that the above information is true and correct and that I am the person completing this form.
Please ensure that all required fields are filled out correctly.
Upon successful submission, you will be redirected to a confirmation webpage. If this does not occur, please contact the .
NOTE: Do not close your browser or use the back button until redirected to the "Thank You" screen, confirming successful submission. Uploading large files may take a minute or so.