Select Your Membership

  • Regular - 1 Year ($525.00)
    Physicians, nurses, other health professionals and biomedical scientists.
  • Regular - 3 Years ($1400.00)
    Physicians, nurses, other health professionals and biomedical scientists.
  • Trainee ($50.00)
    Medical and graduate students, residents and post-doctoral or research fellows holding a training position and/or with an interest, in Canada, related to gastroenterology or gastrointestinal research.
  • Trainee - International ($50.00)
    Graduate students, residents and post-doctoral or research fellows holding a training position, outside of Canada, related to gastroenterology or gastrointestinal research.
  • Affiliate ($300.00)
    Nurses, other health professionals and biomedical scientists living outside Canada and physicians living outside of Canada. Physicians living in Canada must apply for a Regular Membership.