Board Affairs Groups and Committees > Education Affairs

Education Affairs

posted on May 25, 2024

Sub-Committee descriptions:

Gastroenterology Residents-In-Training (GRIT) - A high-caliber, internationally recognized, annual training program for gastroenterology/hepatology residents held in association with CDDW™. It is designed to provide trainees with experience presenting posters orally; cover timely topics of interest and obtain up-to-date information in a context that allows critical evaluation; interact and network with other residents; and interact closely with a small number of recognized, effective Canadian teachers.

Maintenance of Certification (MOC) - Reviews and approves submissions for Section One and Section Three RCPSC accreditation of educational events. It serves to increase the quality of gastrointestinal educational events in Canada; facilitate participation of the CAG membership in the Royal College MOC program; and provide physician and non-physician organizations with a single point of contact for accreditation of educational programs related to the gastroenterology specialty.

The MOC is guided by the following principles: to adhere to the rules and regulations outlined by the Royal College concerning the MOC accreditation process; maintain the integrity of the accreditation process; provide an efficient process for industry and non-industry groups; and ensure the process will be transparent.

Scholars' - Is held in conjunction with CDDW™ and provides an opportunity for exceptional internal medicine and pediatric residents (PGY1/PGY2), and medical students in the final 2 years of their program (3rd/4th year in a 4-year program, 2nd/3rd year in a 3-year program) to explore a career in gastroenterology. The annual program accepts 32 candidates – including both adult and pediatric-focused participants – as well as two positions reserved for BIPOC candidates.

Skills Enhancement for Endoscopy™ (SEE™) - A national hands-on educational program for Canadian practising endoscopists. The SEE™ Program consists of three accredited courses: Colonoscopy Skills Improvement (CSI) (designed for all practising endoscopists). The CSI Course provides up-skilling and improvement of colonoscopy skills; Train-the-Endoscopy-Trainer (TET) (designed for teachers of endoscopy), with specific aims to improve teaching skills and procedural conscious competence needed to teach endoscopy; Endoscopic Polypectomy Improvement Course (EPIC) (designed for all practising endoscopists). The course provides a didactic lecture (Approach to Polypectomy: Diagnosis of polyps; Polypectomy techniques; Case-based discussion) and a practical hands-on session using an ex-vivo porcine model.

  Steven Gruchy, Halifax, NS V.P.
Gastroenterology Residents-In-Training (GRIT) Orlee Guttman, Vancouver, BC Chair
Jordan Green, Thunder Bay, ON Incoming Chair
Jason Silverman, Edmonton, AB Past Chair
Natalia Calo, Toronto, ON Faculty
Stephanie Canning, Ottawa, ON Faculty
Michael Stewart, Halifax, NS Faculty
Lawrence Hookey, Kingston, ON Member
Maintenance of Certification (MOC) Amindeep Sandhu, London, ON Chair
Pushpa Sathya, St. John's, NF Vice Chair
Robert Berger, Halifax, NS Member
Maria Cino, Toronto, ON Member
Ted Xenodemetropoulos, Hamilton, ON Member
Program Director (RCPSC) Catharine Walsh, Toronto, ON Chair
Scholars' Lara Hart, Toronto, ON Co-Chair
John Igoe, Halifax, NS Co-Chair
Skills Enhancement for Endoscopy™ (SEE™) Kevin Waschke, Montreal QC Senior Co-Chair
Dana Farina, Halifax, NS Vice Co-Chair
Charles Ménard, Sherbrooke, QC Vice Co-Chair
Catharine Walsh, Toronto, ON Junior Co-Chair
Eric Greenwald, Hamilton, ON Senior Member
Eric Lam, Vancouver, BC Junior Member
Trainee Representative Rachel Sullivan, Halifax, NS