Board Affairs Groups and Committees > Education Affairs
Sub-Committee descriptions:
Gastroenterology Residents-In-Training (GRIT) - A high-caliber, internationally recognized, annual training program for gastroenterology/hepatology residents held in association with CDDW™. It is designed to provide trainees with experience presenting posters orally; cover timely topics of interest and obtain up-to-date information in a context that allows critical evaluation; interact and network with other residents; and interact closely with a small number of recognized, effective Canadian teachers.
Maintenance of Certification (MOC) - Reviews and approves submissions for Section One and Section Three RCPSC accreditation of educational events. It serves to increase the quality of gastrointestinal educational events in Canada; facilitate participation of the CAG membership in the Royal College MOC program; and provide physician and non-physician organizations with a single point of contact for accreditation of educational programs related to the gastroenterology specialty.
The MOC is guided by the following principles: to adhere to the rules and regulations outlined by the Royal College concerning the MOC accreditation process; maintain the integrity of the accreditation process; provide an efficient process for industry and non-industry groups; and ensure the process will be transparent.
Scholars' - Is held in conjunction with CDDW™ and provides an opportunity for exceptional internal medicine and pediatric residents (PGY1/PGY2), and medical students in the final 2 years of their program (3rd/4th year in a 4-year program, 2nd/3rd year in a 3-year program) to explore a career in gastroenterology. The annual program accepts 32 candidates – including both adult and pediatric-focused participants – as well as two positions reserved for BIPOC candidates.
Skills Enhancement for Endoscopy™ (SEE™) - A national hands-on educational program for Canadian practising endoscopists. The SEE™ Program consists of three accredited courses: Colonoscopy Skills Improvement (CSI) (designed for all practising endoscopists). The CSI Course provides up-skilling and improvement of colonoscopy skills; Train-the-Endoscopy-Trainer (TET) (designed for teachers of endoscopy), with specific aims to improve teaching skills and procedural conscious competence needed to teach endoscopy; Endoscopic Polypectomy Improvement Course (EPIC) (designed for all practising endoscopists). The course provides a didactic lecture (Approach to Polypectomy: Diagnosis of polyps; Polypectomy techniques; Case-based discussion) and a practical hands-on session using an ex-vivo porcine model.
Sub-Committee | Name | Role |
Steven Gruchy, Halifax, NS | V.P. | |
Gastroenterology Residents-In-Training (GRIT) | Orlee Guttman, Vancouver, BC | Chair |
Jordan Green, Thunder Bay, ON | Incoming Chair | |
Jason Silverman, Edmonton, AB | Past Chair | |
Natalia Calo, Toronto, ON | Faculty | |
Stephanie Canning, Ottawa, ON | Faculty | |
Michael Stewart, Halifax, NS | Faculty | |
Lawrence Hookey, Kingston, ON | Member | |
Maintenance of Certification (MOC) | Amindeep Sandhu, London, ON | Chair |
Pushpa Sathya, St. John's, NF | Vice Chair | |
Robert Berger, Halifax, NS | Member | |
Maria Cino, Toronto, ON | Member | |
Ted Xenodemetropoulos, Hamilton, ON | Member | |
Program Director (RCPSC) | Catharine Walsh, Toronto, ON | Chair |
Scholars' | Lara Hart, Toronto, ON | Co-Chair |
John Igoe, Halifax, NS | Co-Chair | |
Skills Enhancement for Endoscopy™ (SEE™) | Kevin Waschke, Montreal QC | Senior Co-Chair |
Dana Farina, Halifax, NS | Vice Co-Chair | |
Charles Ménard, Sherbrooke, QC | Vice Co-Chair | |
Catharine Walsh, Toronto, ON | Junior Co-Chair | |
Eric Greenwald, Hamilton, ON | Senior Member | |
Eric Lam, Vancouver, BC | Junior Member | |
Trainee Representative | Rachel Sullivan, Halifax, NS |