
Media Releases

A change in CAG leadership: Members elected new Board of Directors at AGM

Dr. Eric Benchimol appointed as new JCAG Editor-in-Chief

CDDW™ and CLM 2023 joint planning is underway!

The CAG welcomes a change in governance: Members elected new Board of Directors at AGM

Government of Canada invests more than $31M in the next generation of health researchers


CAG Statements


Drug Shortage: IV Pantoprazole

July 8, 2024

It is with a high degree of concern that we report a current shortage of IV pantoprazole in the Canadian market. The two primary market share holders are both experiencing demand related backorders which are anticipated to continue into October 2024.

Read the official letter >

View the detailed reference document >

Canada Day

As we mark the annual event and national holiday in our own ways with family and friends, we encourage people to also pause and acknowledge the continued injustices imposed on Indigenous communities and their children throughout our history.

We ask that you honour our Indigenous friends and neighbours by reflecting on how we as a nation and as individuals may right the wrongs of the past, with actions towards reconciliation and move forward to a better future for all Canadians.

CAG Board of Directors


We Stand in Solidarity with the Asian Community

The Canadian Association of Gastroenterology stands firmly with our Asian-Canadian patients, fellow health care providers, friends and neighbours who are today calling for an end to anti-Asian racism, violence and harassment across our country.

In the aftermath of the recent tragic shooting in the US of eight women (six of whom were Asian-American), we are reminded that that there has been a significant increase of hate crimes against Asian-Canadians since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, with research showing major cities seeing crime rates that are six and seven hundred percent higher than the previous year.

As healthcare professionals, we are abhorred by the pain and suffering that Asian-Canadians have been enduring in this country and around the world. According to a July 2020 report by Statistics Canada, the proportion of visible minorities who experienced an increase in harassment or attacks based on their race, ethnicity, or skin colour has tripled compared to the rest of the population since the start of the pandemic. However, the largest increase was seen among Chinese, Korean, and Southeast Asian individuals.

We believe that every Canadian has the right to live free of violence and harassment. Equally, we believe that it is all our responsibility to ensure that every Canadian is treated with respect and dignity, regardless of race, ethnicity, colour or sexual orientation. Hatred and violence have no place in our society. We must condemn this violence and the hate that motivates it firmly and with one voice.

CAG takes its social justice responsibilities seriously and is striving to address these systemic issues by examining our own policies and practices, by listening and being responsive. We invite input and to hear the voices of our industry and community, to educate and engage with CAG. We need to learn more and do better. We as a Board of Directors, with the guidance and assistance of our Diversity and Equity Committee volunteers, are committed to continually effect positive change within our own organization and industry, and to ensure that the fight against hatred and discrimination is not pushed into the shadows. As healthcare practitioners, researchers and gastroenterologists, CAG stands in solidarity with our Asian communities and extends our support to those in need.

CAG Board of Directors


Statement of Solidarity

As healthcare providers and gastroenterologists, we wish to express our solidarity with all members of the Black community and acknowledge the pain that has been experienced by the Black community in Canada and around the world.

While the inciting event of George Floyd’s tragic death took place in the United States, the Black community in Canada is not free from the effects of racism, and its impact on their health and well-being. In addition, we cannot overlook the similar impact of racist and intolerant behaviours and policies on the health of the First Nations, Métis, and Inuit. As the Canadian Human Rights Commission has stated, “Every person in Canada has the right to live free from fear of discrimination, violence or exclusion because of who they are, where they are from or what they believe.”

Blacks and other minorities remain under-represented among the ranks of Canadian gastroenterologists. This lack of diversity undeniably impacts the quality of care we provide our patients. Over the next few months, CAG will reach out to our members and trainees in the Black community and other minority communities to see how we can do more to build diversity among our membership and our leadership. We fully support our partners in medical education, who have implemented initiatives aimed at increasing medical school enrollment and opportunities for advancement from within under-represented communities.

Finally, as individuals, if you are privileged to have lived free from suffering the consequences of institutional racism, please take a moment to be actively anti-racist. Talk to your friends and family about the importance of the #BlackLivesMatter and #IndigenousLivesMatter and activate them as partners and allies in the fight against racism. Together we can all make a difference and the Canadian Association of Gastroenterology will be proud to be part of that change.

CAG Board of Directors


The Canadian Association of Gastroenterology would like to inform the membership about the passage of Dr. Ernie Seidman.

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dr seidman headshot

Ernie Seidman, MD RI-MUHC
Infectious Diseases and Immunity in Global Health Program

Centre for Translational Biology
Professor, Department of Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine, McGill University
Department of Pediatrics, Division of Gastroenterology, MUHC

It is with great sadness that we inform all CAG Members about the passing of Dr. Ernie Seidman.

Dr. Seidman obtained his undergraduate (B.Sc. 1974, Honors Physiology, Magna Cum Laude) and medical degrees (MDCM 1978, W. Chipman Gold Medalist) at McGill University.

Dr. Seidman’s residency training in pediatric medicine and clinical fellowship in gastroenterology (adult and pediatric) were undertaken at McGill and the University of Montréal . He then completed his research fellowship in Mucosal Immunology at Harvard Medical School.

Dr. Seidman’s first academic position as a clinician scientist was at Harvard (Massachusetts General and Boston Children’s Hospitals, 1983 to 1985).

He returned to the University of Montréal and was ultimately promoted to the rank of full professor and chief of the Division of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition at Ste. Justine Hospital, a post held until 2004.

He then came back to his alma mater of McGill as the inaugural recipient of the Bruce Kaufman Endowed Chair in IBD. He held the rank of tenured Professor in the Departments of Medicine and of Pediatrics at McGill University.

Dr. Seidman was the Director of GI Research, the Advanced Fellowship Program in IBD at McGill University, the Video Endoscopy Program and Research Institute at the MUHC.

Dr. Seidman was named the Canada Research Chair in Immune-Mediated Gastrointestinal Disorders. He was also elected to the International Organization for Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Among major grants funded, he was the principal investigator for a Canadian Institutes of Health Research New Emerging Team Grant in Clinical Autoimmunity focusing on Immunoregulation in IBD.

Dr. Seidman’s clinical and research activities (both basic science and clinical) were focused on immune-mediated GI disorders, most notably inflammatory bowel and celiac diseases. Furthermore, he was very proud of the McGill IBD Centre of Excellence at the Montréal General Hospital over which he also presided.

Dr. Seidman’s research focused on obtaining a better understanding of how immune system dysfunction results in "autoimmune" bowel disorders such as Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis and celiac disease.

He authored over 275 original, peer-reviewed articles and more than 85 chapters and reviews. In addition, he was the co-inventor of the thiopurine drug metabolite test and is considered the founder of therapeutic drug monitoring for IBD.

Surrounded by his loving family, on Monday, December 16, 2019. Beloved husband of Marcy Marcovitz for forty-five years. Proud father and father-in-law of Jonathan, Jessica and Loren Shore, Gillian and Ian Tobman. Cherished Zaidie of Noah and Lily Shore. Devoted son of Selma and the late Leon Seidman. Adored brother of Bonnie Seidman, Sean and Synnove Seidman.

Caring son-in-law of the late Shirley and the late Henry Marcovitz. Dear brother-in-law of Alan and Gail Marcovitz, Michael and Ariella Marcovitz and the late Lorne Marcovitz. He will be greatly missed by Agnes, and by his extended family and many friends.

Dr. Ernie Seidman was recognized not only for his remarkable scientific and clinical contributions to the fields of gastroenterology, hepatology and nutrition, but also for his outstanding achievements as a teacher, mentor, supportive colleague and great friend.

A dedicated physician, he devoted his life to the relentless pursuit of the best care for his patients through clinical work, teaching and research. His absence will be felt throughout the medical community. A passionate man, he was determined to live life to the fullest.

Dr. Seidman will be greatly missed by his family members, by friends, by his patients and by members of the CAG and the gastroenterology community across the world.

dr seidman office

The Canadian Association of Gastroenterology would like to inform the membership about the passage of Dr. Ronald Wensel.

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Dr. Ronald Wensel was born in Edmonton in 1932 and graduated from the University of Alberta Medical School in 1956. He was Director of the Division of Gastroenterology from 1969 to 1980, retired in 1990 from clinical practice before becoming Vice President (Medical) of Research for the University Hospital until 1997.

Dr. Wensel together with Dr. Richard Sherbaniuk, is one of two founding fathers of gastroenterology in Alberta. Working together with Dr. Wilfred Weinstein, all three physicians were featured in a spotlight documentary in 2017 . The film, called On the Shoulders of Giants, is a true Alberta story about how these three hard-working doctors from the prairies went on to build the U of A’s now world-renowned Division of Gastroenterology.

The film details the early days of the division and how the trio of doctors worked to change the face of patient care and medical education in Alberta. Among their accomplishments, Dr. Ronald Wensel and his colleagues, made it possible for physicians to qualify for specialty training without having to travel abroad.

Alberta doctors often left the country for training in England or the United States but returned to develop their sub-specialties and improve the structure of health care in their home province. It was with this in mind that Dr. Ronald Wensel helped to create the Division of Gastroenterology at the University of Alberta Hospital.

As a major referral centre, the Division of Gastroenterology at the University of Alberta Hospital has a highly specialized consultation and advanced therapeutic endoscopy facility, a state-of-the-art in-patient unit, and highly skilled Gastroenterologists and gastrointestinal scientists.

Today, the Division has clinical specialists and teachers at each major Edmonton hospital, performs more than 25,000 advanced endoscopic surgical procedures annually and has developed internationally recognized programs in inflammatory bowel disease, peptic ulcer disease, liver failure and liver transplantation, viral liver disease and human nutrition.

The Division is now one of the largest in Canada and manages a leading-edge research program involving 45 graduate and undergraduate students, over 3 million dollars in basic and clinical research funding annually, and recently received a prestigious 22-million-dollar research award to establish a Center of Excellence in Gastrointestinal Inflammation and Immunity Research.


Previous to the 1960s, the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada offered only two specialty qualifications for doctors in Canada: A Fellowship in General Medicine or a Fellowship in General Surgery. Through the pair's efforts, the Division of Gastroenterology was formally established in 1967. Blessed with an amazing constitution and life force, Dr. Wensel, lived a full and engaged life and never lost his charm, great wit and sense of humour.

In honor of Dr. Wensel's pioneering spirit and ground-breaking vision, the Canadian Association of Gastroenterology honors and fondly remembers his vivacious enthusiasm , energetic soul, love of family, friends, students and colleagues.

Press Release: 2018 Clinical Practice Guideline on Screening for Colorectal Cancer in Individuals With a Family History of Nonhereditary Colorectal Cancer or Adenoma: The Canadian Association of Gastroenterology Banff Consensus

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November 27, 2018 - The Canadian Partnership Against Cancer (CPAC) launched a Public Relations campaign today to increase the awareness of the new Clinical Practice Guideline on Screening for Colorectal Cancer in Individuals With a Family History of Nonhereditary Colorectal Cancer or Adenoma: The Canadian Association of Gastroenterology Banff Consensus.

CPAC provided funding for the guideline and are posting a press release on Canada Newswire today to increase public awareness of the new screening guideline.

View Press Release


CAG announces the launch of the CAG Podcast

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August 10, 2018 - We are excited to announce the launch of the CAG Podcast! This new educational initiative will offer on-demand, informal education that is flexible and convenient to access. Learn while you commute!

NOW POSTED: Episode 1: Clearing the Smoke on Cannabis for the Treatment of GI Disease - Dr. Chris Andrews and Dr. Keith Sharkey, University of Calgary

Learn more about the CAG Podcast


Dr. Philip Sherman receives 2018 CAG Distinguished Service Award at CDDW™ in Toronto

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April 5, 2018 - This award is to honour individuals who have provided distinguished service to the Canadian Association of Gastroenterology (CAG) either by their recognized excellence in research in the area of gastroenterology and related subjects, and thus have provided service, by achieving international recognition for the CAG in their field or provided exemplary service to the CAG. The Distinguished Service Award should be granted, from time to time, to individuals who reached at least the age of 50 and normally have been members of the Association for over 10 years. The Board of Directors will review and consider candidate(s) for this award on an annual basis.

Learn more about the Distinguished Service Award

Distinguished Service Award presentation at CDDW™ 2018 (left to right): Dr. Nicola Jones (President), Dr. Philip Sherman (award recipient)


2018 Canadian Association of Gastroenterology Fellow (CAGF) designation awarded at CDDW™ in Toronto

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April 5, 2018 - CAGF is an esteemed honour for CAG members who have demonstrated long-term commitment to the Association and to furthering the goals of advancing gastroenterology practice and GI research in Canada.

CAGF Recipients at CDDW™ 2018 (left to right): Dr. Nicola Jones (President), Dr. Lana Bistritz, Dr. Donald MacIntosh, Dr. Wallace MacNaughton, Mr. Paul Sinclair, Dr. Louis Liu (Chair, Admissions)

Learn more about CAGF


Archived News Stories

Dr. Aubrey Groll passed away peacefully on February 22, 2018 at age 84

February 23, 2018 - Dr. Aubrey Groll, Emeritus Professor, Queen's University Department of Medicine, Division of Gastroenterology, (1967 to 2008) Passed away peacefully on February 22, 2018 at age 84 after a brief hospitalization at Kingston General Hospital. Aubrey graduated in Medicine from The University of Cape Town in 1956. In 1966, Aubrey applied for and soon after accepted a job on the Faculty Medicine at Queen’s University and Kingston General Hospital as part of the new Gastroenterology program. In 1988 he was President of Canadian Association of Gastroenterology and received the Distinguished service award from the Association in 2000. Aubrey loved teaching and was recognized for his outstanding clinical teaching by the medical students, receiving the WT Connell award in three successive years, and receiving the Distinguished Faculty Award. Upon his retirement the Faculty of Medicine established the Groll Prize in Clinical Studies, an annual award given to an undergraduate student in the School of Medicine who demonstrates exemplary interpersonal communication skills with patients. Aubrey was a compassionate physician, listening carefully, showing great empathy, and often sharing his emotions with patients and families at time of sad news.
Aubrey leaves behind his dear wife Lucille, who he greatly loved and admired for her wisdom and her ability for keeping him out of trouble, his three daughters, Dianne, Colette, and Rachelle, and his son, Daniel. Aubrey was also adored by his 10 grandchildren. Aubrey was fond of his “improving golf game” (as he put it), and a good single malt scotch.


Dr. Verdu achieves promotion to the rank of full professor at The Farncombe Family Digestive Health Research Institute

January, 2018 - Dr. Elena Verdu studies the pathogenesis of chronic inflammatory disorders such as celiac disease and inflammatory bowel disease. She investigates dietary-bacterial interactions and how this impacts the pathogenesis of gastrointestinal disease, with the view to develop novel therapeutic strategies for these disorders. Effective July 1st 2018 Dr. Verdu will be promoted to full professor. Congratulations Elena!

Learn more


A new CAG Journal – The Journal of the Canadian Association of Gastroenterology

June 16, 2017 - The CAG is delighted to announce a new journal – The Journal of the Canadian Association of Gastroenterology, or JCAG !

The CAG has signed a contract with Oxford University Press (OUP) to publish JCAG. JCAG will be an open-access journal, published largely on-line, with periodic print issues throughout the year.

We are also delighted that Dr. John Marshall (McMaster University) has kindly accepted the JCAG Editor-in-Chief position! John brings a wealth of experience to JCAG, positioning our new Journal for rapid evolution and success.

We aim to have a submission portal/website available by the end of August 2017 and the first print issue will be in January 2018. There is a publication fee, as with any open-access online journal. We are pleased to note that CAG members will receive a discounted publication fee of 1,000 USD. We will be in touch with more details as we work forward with OUP.

As you know from our previous communications, CJG&H was sold by Pulsus, to Hindawi, and this included the journal title and content. The CAG did trial a one-year contract with Hindawi. However the Hindawi model was not appropriate and the CAG therefore terminated the contract as of December 31, 2016. Hindawi will continue to publish CJG&H, but without the CAG logo or endorsement.

The Journal of the Canadian Association of Gastroenterology is, now, the official journal of the CAG and we encourage you, strongly, to consider submitting your work to JCAG for publication.


NASSCD offers investigators the opportunity to fund research in 2018

June 14, 2017 - With the generous support of the Nestle Research Center®, NASSCD will offer the opportunity for both young investigators and seasoned researchers to submit a grant proposal.

NASSCD is offering an opportunity for researchers at any level to submit a grant proposal for research of non-celiac gluten/wheat sensitivity. Further details and eligibility requirements should be reviewed. Membership in NASSCD is required at the time of the submission and throughout the term of the grant research project.

Please note: The grant requires that the research be completed in a North American institution.

View Submission Requirements


Crohn's and Colitis Canada and The Canadian Association of Gastroenterology are delighted to jointly announce the release of a list of 5 commonly used inflammatory bowel disease tests and treatments that physicians and patients should question

May 31, 2017 - Crohn’s and Colitis Canada and the Canadian Association of Gastroenterology have listed five tests, treatments or procedures that are commonly ordered but not always necessary in the care of patients with Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, the two main forms of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). The list was developed by the Canadian IBD Network for Research and Growth in Quality Improvement (CINGERGI) as part of the Choosing Wisely Canada campaign, and endorsed by Crohn’s and Colitis Canada and the Canadian Association of Gastroenterology. Choosing Wisely Canada is an initiative aimed at helping clinicians and patients engage in conversations about unnecessary tests, treatments and procedures, and make smart and effective choices to ensure high-quality care.

In developing the Choosing Wisely list for IBD, a working group comprised of CINERGI members, patients, radiologists and representatives from Crohn’s and Colitis Canada and the Canadian Association of Gastroenterology initially identified ten recommendations via an online voting platform. During a follow up face-to-face consensus meeting, the group narrowed down the original list to five key recommendations

View List

“It is vital that Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis patients feel that they can have informed discussions with their physicians about their care,” says Mina Mawani, President and CEO of Crohn’s and Colitis Canada. “This list provides information and guidance around five key priority areas that patients should be aware of during discussions with their doctors, and they should feel empowered to raise questions if they feel it necessary.”

“Sometimes providing the best IBD care means knowing when to avoid certain tests or treatments. And that’s why we started the Choosing Wisely IBD campaign,” adds Geoffrey Nguyen, chair of CINERGI and a practicing gastroenterologist at Sinai Health System. “We wanted to provide a list of tests and treatments that health providers and patients should think twice about because they may be ineffective, wasteful, or even harmful. This list empowers our patients to engage in a dialogue with their providers when these tests are ordered for them.”


Dr. Gordon Greenberg (posthumously) received the AGA Distinguished Mentor Award

May 2017 - Dr. Gordon Greenberg (posthumously) received the AGA Distinguished Mentor Award in Immunology, Microbiology, and Inflammatory Bowel Disease. The award recognizes an individual for achievements as an outstanding mentor over a lifelong career.


2017 Canadian Association of Gastroenterology Fellow (CAGF) designation awarded at CDDW™ in Banff

March 4, 2017 - CAGF is an esteemed honour for CAG members who have demonstrated long-term commitment to the Association and to furthering the goals of advancing gastroenterology practice and GI research in Canada.

CAGF Recipients at CDDW™ 2017 (left to right): Dr. David Armstrong (President), Dr. Daniel Sadowski, Dr. Anne Griffiths, Dr. James Gregor, Dr. Louis Liu (Chair, Admissions) (Absent: Dr. Maria Cino)

Learn more about CAGF


Dr. Kenneth Croitoru recognized as the 2017 Ivan T. Beck Memorial Lecturer

March, 2017 - Dr. Geoff Williams , Co-Chair of the GRIT Organizing Committee recognizes Dr. Kenneth Croitoru as the 2017 Ivan T. Beck Memorial Lecturer. Dr. Beck was an exceptional clinician, researcher and educator. Dr. Croitoru's many contributions to Canadian gastroenterology are deserving of this honour.

Learn more about the GRIT Course


Dr. Paul Moayyedi receives 12.5 million CIHR SPOR grant

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Paul Moayyedi, nominated principal investigator, SPOR IMAGINE network, speaks at the national announcement with patient representative Megan Henry.

View SPOR announcement at CDDW™ 2016 on February 27, 2016.


March 2016 - Paul Moayyedi is receiving one of five large federal grants for pioneering developments in patient-oriented health care, Canada's Minister of Health announced.

The grant, worth $12.5 million, is from the Canadian Institutes for Health Research (CIHR) under Canada's Strategy for Patient-Oriented Research (SPOR). The objective of the SPOR networks is to be patient-centered, focusing on improved health outcomes for Canadians.

The IMAGINE-SPOR Chronic Disease Network, led by Dr. Paul Moayyedi, involved a large number of investigators and researchers from across the country as well as a number of partners including the CAG. For more information on SPOR, click here.


Dr. John Wallace has been named to receive the 2017 Horace W. Davenport Distinguished Lectureship award

February 2016 - We are delighted to inform you that Dr. John Wallace has been named to receive the 2017 Horace W. Davenport Distinguished Lectureship award. Congratulations to Dr. Wallace! The award recognizes distinguished lifetime achievement in gastrointestinal and liver physiological research, including accomplishments in research, teaching, training and activities within the American Physiological Society. This is the most prestigious award of the APS Gastrointestinal & Liver Physiology Section.

Dr. Herbert Gaisano (University of Toronto) appointed to the Order of Ontario

January 2016 - Herbert Gaisano, professor and researcher at the University of Toronto's faculty of medicine and one of the world's leading gastroenterologists. He has dedicated his work to the fight against diabetes by exploring the complexities of this pervasive illness and advancement of new treatment strategies. Dr. Gaisano is also a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences (2013), won the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Award (2012), the Canadian Association of Gastroenterology Research Excellence Award (2010) and the Young Investigator Award, Canadian Association of Gastroenterology (1997).


Dr. Keith Sharkey (CAGF) and Dr. Alan Barkun have been elected Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences (FCAHS)

October 2015 – Dr. Keith Sharkey and Dr. Alan Barkun have been elected Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences (FCAHS). To learn more about the CAHS elected fellows, click here.

Emertis FCAHS include Claude Roy, Richard Hamilton, and John Beinenstock and FCHAS include Linda Rabeneck, Charles Bernstein, Steve Collins, Richard Fedorak.

Dr. Elena Verdu is lead investigator in "Gut Reaction: Bacteria May Play an Important Role in How the Body Processes Gluten, Research"

October 2015 – Dr. Elena Verdu, an associate professor in the Department of Medicine at the Farncombe Family Digestive Health Research Institute at ‪‎McMaster‬ University is the lead investigator of a team of researchers who have discovered that bacteria found in the gut may contribute to the body’s response to ‪‎gluten‬, an important finding that could lead to new treatments for ‪‎celiac‬ disease. To view the article, click here.

Dr. Louis Liu appointed to Director of the Division of Gastroenterology at UHN and Mount Sinai Hospitals

September 2015 – Dr. Liu assumed the position of Director of the Division of Gastroenterology at UHN and Mount Sinai Hospitals effective September 8, 2015. Dr. Liu is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Medicine of University of Toronto and is a Gastroenterologist consultant of UHN/MSH, based at Toronto Western. He is an active member of the CAG and has been a member of several committees; most recently the Admissions Committee since 2011. In 2009 he started the Neurogastroenteroloy and Motility Fellowship Training program and is a course co-director in the MD program of the University of Toronto. Dr. Liu is the University of Toronto lead of the GI Residency Training Program at Addis Ababa University in Ethiopia. In addition to his work educating future gastroenterologists locally and internationally, he has authored closed to 100 publications.

Dr. Robert Enns assumes Headship of the UBC Division of Gastroenterology

March 2015 - Dr. Robert Enns will assume Headship of the UBC Division of Gastroenterology effective March 1, 2015. Dr. Enns has been a Clinical Professor of Medicine since 2009. He is currently the Division Head of Gastroenterology at St. Paul’s Hospital. Dr. Enns has been actively involved with the Canadian Association of Gastroenterology and has held several leadership roles including VP Clinical Affairs Committee since 2007, Head Practice Affairs Committee from 2008 to 2009, and Head Clinical Affairs from 2010 to 2013. He has also been the Medical Lead Vancouver Coastal for the Provincial Colorectal Cancer Screening Program since 2013. He is well known for his work in clinical trials and has published over 180 papers. Dr. Enns has been a reviewer and editor for many peer reviewed journals. He was recognized as top 10% of Reviewers by the Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics in 2009. He was the recipient of the CAG Clinical Visiting Professor Award National Award in 2013.

Dr. John Marshall (McMaster University) and Dr. Eric Yoshida (University of British Columbia) Appointed as New Editors-in-Chief of the Canadian Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology

December 2014 - It is with great pleasure that we inform you that Dr. John Marshall (McMaster University) and Dr. Eric Yoshida (University of British Columbia) have been appointed Editors-in-Chief of the Canadian Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology (CJG&H) effective January 1st, 2015. John and Eric are long-standing, active, and committed members of the CAG and CASL, and have served as Associate Editors of the CJG&H. We look forward to their stewardship of the Journal and wish them every success in this endeavor. Stay tuned, as we are sure they will introduce and champion some exciting new initiatives in the CJG&H.

As outgoing Editor-in-Chief, we take this opportunity to thank Dr. Subrata Ghosh for his service and commitment to the Journal and the CAG.

Canadian Academy of Health Sciences (CAHS) Fellows

May 2014 - The CAHS works in partnership with the Royal Society of Canada and the Canadian Academy of Engineering to form the three Member Academies of the Council of Canadian Academies. The academy recognizes the full breadth of academic health science ranging from fundamental science to social science and population health. Fellows elected to the Academy will be well recognized by their peers nationally and internationally for their contributions to the promotion of health science. Such individuals are elected to the organization after a nominating and peer review procedure that seeks to recognize those who are marked by a record of substantial accomplishment. Election to Fellowship in the Academy is considered one of the highest honours for individuals in the Canadian health sciences community and carries with it a covenant to serve the Academy and the future wellbeing of the health sciences irrespective of the Fellow’s specific discipline.

Congratulations to the following CAG members for being elected to CAHS Fellowship!

John Bienenstock
Stephen Collins
Richard Fedorak
Subrata Ghosh
Ian MacDonald
Jonathan Meddings
Linda Rabeneck
John L. Wallace

For more information on CAHS, please visit

Dr. Richard Hunt receives 'Master of the WGO' from the World Gastroenterology Organization! Congratulations, Dr. Hunt!

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September, 26, 2013 - The Master of the WGO Award is the highest honor WGO can bestow on a member and is granted only to those individuals who have provided outstanding dedication to the mission of the WGO and achieved distinction in such areas as scholarly research, teaching, service to WGO and the community at large. The Award was created to recognize these contributions and by this recognition provide incentive, encouragement and guidance for others to significantly contribute to their fields. The Masters of the WGO Award is a capstone career award and is given in conjunction with each World Congress of Gastroenterology.

Dr. Reena Khanna and Dr. Dustin Loomes attending the Gastro 2013 Young Clinicians Program (YCP)!

August 19, 2013 - Congratulations to Drs. Khanna and Loomes for being selected to participate in the 'Gastro 2013 APDW/WCOG' Young Clinicians Program (YCP) in Shanghai. CAG is pleased to participate in the YCP program through nomination and support of Drs. Khanna and Loomes! The YCP program brings together trainees from around the world who clearly represent future opinion leaders in their respective countries. Drs. Khanna and Loomes will be excellent ambassadors on behalf of the CAG and will have great benefit from participation in this program!

Dr. Andre G. Buret to become a member of The Order of The University of Calgary

April 22, 2013 - The Order of the University of Calgary honours worthy recipients who have a record of exemplary and distinguished service to the University. Dr. Andre Buret will become a member of The Order of The University of Calgary during the 2013 June convocation ceremonies. Congratulations to Dr. Buret!

Dr. John L. Wallace to receive the Heymans Foundation Memorial Medal

April 4, 2013 - Dr. John L. Wallace will receive the Heymans Foundation Memorial Medal in November in Ghent, Belgium. This prestigious award is named after 1938 Nobel Prize for Medicine/Physiology winner Corneille Heymans. Congratulations to Dr. Wallace.

Congratulations to Dr. Claude Roy: 2013 Canadian Medical Hall of Fame Inductee

December 20, 2012 - INMD congratulates Dr. Claude Roy, who is among the six medical heroes named to Canada’s Medical Hall of Fame. Considered one of the early pioneers in pediatric gastroenterology, Claude is a man of science and humanism who always puts the child first. An outstanding researcher, teacher, and clinician, Dr. Roy played a leading role in the transformation of Ste-Justine University Hospital in Montreal, an internationally-respected child health centre. His research, including infant nutrition, chronic liver disease in children and gastrointestinal and hepatobilliary manifestations of Cystic Fybrosis, has had a major impact on the health of children. Dr. Roy’s ongoing worry that today’s clinicians are becoming increasingly disengaged from scientific research has prompted him to take action at both a national level and with local investigators. Not one to sit back, Dr. Roy continues to work tirelessly to create training programs that are more effective in developing the Clinician Scientist – a key issue for the future of the science and practice of medicine.

Dr. Richard H. Hunt - Master of the American College of Gastroenterology

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October 24, 2012 – Because of their recognized stature and achievement in clinical gastroenterology and/or teaching, and/or because of his contribution to the College in service, leadership, and education, Dr. Richard Hunt, MD, MACG has been recommended by the Awards Committee and approved by the Board of Trustees for designation as Masters.

Congratulations to Dr. Charles Bernstein, Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada

2012 - The Royal Society of Canada promotes learning and research in the arts, the humanities and the natural and social sciences. In 2012, Dr. Charles Bernstein was awarded a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, an honour bestowed upon a select few each year. Congratulations Dr. Bernstein!

Dr. Claude Roy, Named 2013 Canadian Medical Hall of Fame Inductee

October 18, 2012 - Six medical heroes named Canada's 2013 Hall of Fame inductees

Canada has an enduring culture of health care excellence – an achievement worth celebrating yet something we don’t do often enough. The Canadian Medical Hall of Fame – the only one of its kind in the world – aims to change that.

Every year, The Canadian Medical Hall of Fame elevates a select few of our country’s most brilliant minds to laureate status. Laureates are those who have pushed the boundaries of discovery and innovation beyond the realm of possibility to make the world a better place.

This year’s inductees, like the 95 laureates who have been similarly recognized since 1994, truly stand out. All are Officers of the Order of Canada, a fitting honour as they embody the good Canadian spirit of grit, perseverance and an overarching sense of humility.

Worthy of the world’s recognition, The Canadian Medical Hall of Fame is proud to announce the 2013 inductees:

Dr. Antoine Hakim (ON)
Dr. Arnold Naimark (MB)
Dr. David MacLennan (ON)
Dr. Bette Stephenson (ON)
Dr. Claude Roy (QC)
The Late Dr. Ian Rusted (NL)

Research Excellence: Nathalie Rivard (Université de Sherbrooke)
Education Excellence: Sylvain Coderre (University of Calgary)
Young Investigator: Gilaad Kaplan (University of Calgary)
Young Educator: Kevin Waschke (McGill University)
Visiting Research Professor: Paul Beck (University of Calgary)
Visiting Clinical Professor: Robert Enns (University of British Columbia)
Research Excellence: Charles Bernstein (University of Manitoba)
Education Excellence: Connie Switzer (University of Alberta)
Young Investigator: Elena Verdu (McMaster University)
Young Educator: Clarence Wong (University of Alberta)
Visiting Research Professor: Nicola Jones (University of Toronto)
Visiting Clinical Professor: David Armstrong (McMaster University)
Distinguished Service Award: Des Leddin (Dalhousie University)
Distinguished Service Award: Pierre Paré (Université Laval)
McKenna Lecturer Award: Richard Hunt (McMaster University)

Dr. Philip Sherman has been awarded the 2010 Shwachman Award

July 2010 - The Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) recently announced $9.6 million in funding over the next five years to Cochrane Canada to help fulfill its mission of cultivating evidence-based health decision-making by promoting the use and accessibility of Cochrane Reviews. Two of the four Cochrane GI groups are located in Canada; the Upper GI & Pancreatic Diseases Group coordinated by Dr. Paul Moayyedi and the IBD & Functional Bowel Disorder Group and the coordinated by Dr. Brian Feagan.

Dr. John Wallace – Recipient of Premier’s Summit Award for Medical Research

May 13, 2009 – Two Ontario researchers – Dr. Benjamin Neel and Dr. John Wallace – were named the 2009 recipients of the Premier's Summit Award for Medical Research at a celebration held at the MaRS Centre. Congratulations to Dr. John Wallace!

Dr. Paul Moayyedi – Appointed Editor-in-Chief of the American Journal of Gastroenterology

The CAG is pleased to announce that Dr. Paul Moayyedi (McMaster University) & Dr. Bill Chey will be the Editors-in-Chief for the American Journal of Gastroenterology as of January 2010. Congratulations to Dr. Moayyedi for this outstanding achievement.

Dr. Philip M. Sherman Appointed Scientific Director of CIHR's Institute of Nutrition, Metabolism and Diabetes

October 20, 2008 - Dr. Alain Beaudet, President of the Canadian Institutes of Health Research ( CIHR), along with CIHR's Governing Council, announced today the appointment of Dr. Philip M. Sherman as incoming Scientific Director of CIHR's Institute of Nutrition, Metabolism and Diabetes ( CIHR- INMD). This appointment is effective January 1, 2009. For More informaiton, please follow this link.

Dr. John Wallace - New digestive health institute launches with 'super star' leader, October 2008

October 9, 2008 - A $15 million gift today launched a new research institute at the Michael G. DeGroote School of Medicine at McMaster University which will work towards the causes and cures of digestive diseases. For more information, please follow this link.

Dr. Aleixo Muise & Dr. Alan Barkun

June 2008 - Aleixo Muise, MD, PhD, FRCPC, Toronto, Ontario, is the recipient of the 2008 Canadian Research Award for Specialty Residents, Division of Medicine. Dr. Muise was selected for his manuscript titled "Protein-tyrosine phosphatase sigma is associated with ulcerative colitis," which was published in Current Biology, Volume 17, July 2007. His manuscript was written with mentors Dr. Daniela Rotin, Dr. Anne Griffiths, Dr. Phil Sherman and Dr. Mark Silverberg and provides novel genetic and functional insight into the pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel disease.

March 2008 - The McGill University Division of Gastroenterology announces with great pleasure that Dr. Alan Barkun is this year's recipient of the André-Viallet prize. This honour is awarded by the Association des Gastro-Entérologues du Québec as peer-recognition for an individual's life-long achievements in the broad field of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, and is an acknowledgment of the importance of the awardee's clinical and research works, peer-community implication, collaboration, and notoriety regionally, nationally, and internationally. It is the most prestigious prize awarded by the provincial professional association.

Dr. William Paterson

February 2008 - This past fall the Institute of Nutrition, Metabolism, and Diabetes (INMD) welcomed Dr. William G. Paterson to its Advisory Board. As a clinician-scientist and gastroenterologist, Dr. Paterson says he can "provide the INMD with important insights into key research challenges in digestive diseases and nutrition that should be addressed over the next decade," adding that he "will also be a strong advocate for CIHR playing a leadership role in nurturing the training and career development of new clinician-scientists." [source: INMD Update, February 2008 edition]

CAG Receives RCPSC Innovation Award

September 20, 2012 - CAG was selected to receive a 2012 Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (RCPSC) Accredited CPD Provider Innovation Award for its educational portal “CAG Educational Portal (ePortal)”. On behalf of the CAG and the Education Affairs, Dr. Kevin Waschke received the award at the Royal College’s CPD Accreditation meeting on September 20, 2012. The award is a tribute to the work of many from the CAG Education Affairs and the ePortal Committee over the last few years. Details of the award may be found on the Royal College website at the following link.

Dr. Jon Meddings Appointed Dean of the Faculty of Medicine

March 22, 2012 - Congratulations to Dr. Jon Meddings on his appointment to Dean of the Faculty of Medicine for the University of Calgary, effective July 1, 2012. For more information, please visit the following link.

Dr. Paul Kubes Named Canada's Health Researcher of the Year

November 16, 2011 - Congratulations to Dr Paul Kubes for being selected to receive the prestigious '2011 Canada’s Health Researcher of the Year' award from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). The CIHR’s Canadian Researcher of the Year Prize is the CIHR's most prestigious prize in its annual Canadian Health Research Awards.

CAG Receives RCPSC Innovation Award

September 2011 - CAG was recently selected to receive a 2011 Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (RCPSC) Accredited CPD Provider Innovation Award for its practice audit program “Quality Program in Endoscopy (QP-E: colonoscopy)”. The review committee was impressed with CAG’s submission and the innovative educational tool developed which not only enhances life-long learning strategies of gastroenterologists but also contributes to the improvement of patient outcomes by addressing the issue of patient wait times. On behalf of the CAG and the QP-E Committee, Dr. David Armstrong received the award at the Royal College’s CPD Accreditation meeting in September. The award is a tribute to the work of many from the Practice Audit and Quality Groups over the last 10 years. Data from this initiative was published in the January issue of the Canadian Journal of Gastroenterology.

Dr. John Wallace Selected to Receive the "William Harvey Outstanding Contribution to Science Award"

April 2011 - Congratulations to Dr John Wallace for being selected to receive the "William Harvey Outstanding Contribution to Science Award", to be awarded during the William Harvey Research Institute’s 25th Anniversary Celebrations in London, UK, July 11-12, 2011.

Dr. Philip Sherman receives the Shwachman Award!

September 2010 - Congratulation to Dr. Philip Sherman (The Hospital for Sick Children) for being the recipient of the Shwachman award. The Shwachman Award is given by the North American Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (NASPGHAN) to a person who has made major, lifelong scientific or educational contributions to the field of pediatric gastroenterology, hepatology or nutrition in North America.

CIHR announces 5-year funding for Upper GI and IBD Cochrane Groups

Dr. David Armstrong & the CAG Quality Program in Endoscopy Group – Receive a Clinical Research Award from the American College of Gastroenterology (ACG)!

March 2010 - Congratulations to Dr. David Armstrong for submitting a successful application on behalf of the CAG Quality Program in Endoscopy Group (Alan Barkun, Catherine Dubé, Rob Enns, Don MacIntosh) to the ACG and receiving funding towards the project “A Pilot Study to Develop and Evaluate a Multifaceted Educational Tool for Use in a Prospective, Cluster-Randomized Trial of Practice Audit and Targeted Education for Endoscopy Quality Improvement”.

Dr. Muise’s research was supported by a fellowship from the Canadian Child Health Clinician Scientist Program and the Thrasher Foundation. He is presently completing his Fellowship in the Division of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition at the Hospital for Sick Children (HSC) and will continue this work at HSC with a Transition Award from the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation of Canada/Canadian Association of Gastroenterology/Canadian Institute for Health Research (CIHR).


Press Releases & Media

Members may access a wide variety of information surrounding key developments in gastroenterology and government relations.

10-29-15 CBC Television's The Nature of Things: It Takes Guts View
10-29-14 CAG Five Things Physicians and Patients Should Question - Choosing Wisely Campaign View
10-29-14 Choosing Wisely Canada Second Wave News Release View
09-24-12 Colonoscopy: a critical test for colon cancer screening and digestive diseases View
09-04-12 Risk of Magnet Ingestion by Children View
05-17-12 CAG News Release - Concerns of government's decision to cut medical professional fees View
01-31-11 Our Health Care Delusion -Macleans View
03-03-10 Wait Time Alliance Press Release View
06-18-09 Governments must finish the job on wait times View
03-11-09 CAG Letter to ODPD View
10-08-08 CAG Letter to NBDPD View
03-25-08 Dental Health & Crohn’s Disease -Medical Post View
01-01-08 National Colorectal Cancer Screening Network established View
11-27-07 Reduce wait times for more services, Globe & Mail View
11-27-07 Wait Time Alliance call for new benchmarks, CBC View
11-26-07 Lack of Doctors, CanWest News View
11-23-07 CAG Letter ON Minister of Health on Freeze in Training Positions View
09-11-07 Both sexes need more colorectal screening, Globe & Mail View
09-11-07 Screening rates low for colorectal cancer, Toronto Star View
04-24-07Canada in uniquely dismal GI treatment position - CMAJ View
04-19-07Wait Time Alliance - CBC News View
03-22-07CMA article on GI human resources -CMA View
03-20-07Colonoscopy Details Not Reaching Patients -Medical Post View
03-13-07 CDDW 2007 on Recleaning Endoscopes - Medical Post View
03-13-07CDDW 2007 on Rural FP and Endoscopy - Medical Post View
03-13-07 CDDW 2007 on Rural Surgeons and Endoscopy - Medical Post View
10-10-06 Clement Defends Wait Time Strategy -Globe and Mail View
09-20-06 CAG Letter to CMA re: General Internist Recruiting Crisis View
08-02-06 CAG Letter ON Minister of Health on Colon Cancer Screening Initiative View
07-20-06 CAG Letter to Ministers of Health on Gastrointestinal Wait Time Targets Publications View
06-23-06 CAG Review on COMPUS PUD Interim Report View
06-01-06 Updates in Cancer Screening - Medical Post View
05-24-06 CAG Letter to Medavie Blue Cross View
05-15-06 CAG Review on COMPUS Dyspepsia Interim Report View
05-09-06 CAG Letter ON Minister of Health of HealthForceOntario View
04-17-06 CAG Review on COMPUS GERD Interim Report View
03-28-06 Gastro Trouble with Heart Patients Taking ASA - Medical Post View
03-28-06 Seniors and Colon Cancer Screening - Medical Post View
03-28-06Physician Assistants -Medical Post View
03-23-06GI Bleeding - Medical Post View
03-23-06H pylori, Colon Cancer, IBD - Medical Post View
03-21-06Acute Pediatric Pancreatitis - Medical Post View
03-21-06Capsule Endoscopy - Medical Post View
03-21-06GI Bleed - Medical Post View
03-21-06 Wait Time Targets Not Met - Medical Post View
03-17-06Alberta Urged to Cut Wait Times -Calgary Herald View
03-15-06 CAG Comment on COMPUS process and review View
03-15-06 CAG Letter to Alberta Minister of Health View
03-14-06GI Physician Shortfall -Medical Post View
03-07-06GI Wait Times a Concern for Patients -Medical Post View
03-02-06 MB Health - re Proton Pump Inhibitor Coverage View
03-01-06 CAG Comment on Alberta 'Third Way' View
02-25-06 Albertans Wait the Longest - Calgary Herald View
02-20-06 CAG Letter to Minister of Health - Tony Clement View
02-01-06 CAG Approach to Wait Times View
02-01-06 Colon Cancer Screening View
02-01-06 Provincial GI Wait Times View
12-02-05 CAG Response to Non-Insured Health Benefit Policy Change View
09-27-05 GI Wait Times Alarming - Medical Post View
09-21-05 GI Wait Times Press Release View
09-05-05 Digestive Disease Insert - Globe and Mail View
09-01-05 CAG Consensus on Medically Acceptable Wait Times View
09-01-05 CAG Wait Times Program Results View
09-01-05 What Canadians Should Know About GI Disease View
09-01-05 Letter to Prime Minister Paul Martin View
06-08-05 CAG Comment on Health Canada's Expert Advisory Panel on Cox-2 Inhibitors View
01-27-05 Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Management Guidelines 2004 Released View
10-27-04 Fraser Institute - Wait List View
09-15-04 ON Alan Hudson Letter on Waitlist Project View
02-06-04 Ministers of Health re Colon Cancer Guidelines View
02-01-04 Cox-2 Inhibitor and Esophageal Cancer View
02-01-04 Capsule Endoscopy View
02-01-04 Colon Cancer View
02-01-04 Colonscopy and Gender Preference View
02-01-04 General Media Release View
02-01-04 IBD in Pediatrics View
02-01-04 IBS and Walkerton View
01-14-04 ON Ministry re Proton Pump Inhibitor Review View
05-30-03 Federal Industry Committee re Linkage Regulation View
05-20-03 CMA re Therapeutic Substitution View
05-08-03 BC Health re Proton Pump Inhibitor Coverage View
03-07-03 NS Health re Proton Pump Inhibitor Coverage View
05-23-02 Ministers of Health re Reimbursement of New Therapies View